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Congress approves bill to postpone shutdown for one week

The short-term agreement between Democrats and Republicans extends the federal budget until March 8.

El líder de la mayoría del Senado, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), habla con el líder de la minoría, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), en el Capitolio de EE.UU., el 27 de febrero de 2024.

Chuck Schumer y

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Congress approved a bill Thursday with a final vote in the Senate to postpone the threat of a government shutdown for one week, following an agreement reached between Democrats and Republicans.

The bill, which has yet to be signed into law by President Joe Biden, provides for the extension of the federal budget until March 8, thereby avoiding the temporary closure of many administrations and public services.

With 77 votes in favor and 13 against, the Senate ultimately approved the bill. The vote in the Senate took place a few hours after the House of Representatives also gave the green light to the bill, with 320 votes in favor and 99 against. Almost half of the Republicans who voted in the House, 97 out of 210, went against the deal agreed upon between their leaders and the Democratic ruling party.

The bipartisan agreement included consensus on six of the 12 annual spending bills. Democratic and Republican leaders committed to voting on these bills before Friday, March 8. The extension considered this Thursday also gives Congress until March 22 to finish work on the six remaining bills.
