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Trump on Tim Scott: "I could see him doing something in government"

The former president described the senator as a talented person. He recalled the projects they worked on together.

Tim Scott/Wikimedia Commons

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Former President Donald Trump is advancing in the presidential race and is beginning to hunt at the decisions he would make if he wins the presidency again. One of the main doubts is who would be his vice president, considering the tense relationship he has with his former Vice President Mike Pence. On Sunday, Trump praised Senator Tim Scott and assured that he could have a place in his administration.

"I think he's a very good guy. And we did opportunity zones together. It's never been talked about. It's one of the most successful economic development things ever done in this country. And Tim is very good. I mean, I could see Tim doing something with the administration, but he's in right now campaigning…. But Tim is a talented guy, and you have other very talented people," Trump said during an interview on Fox News .

The news outlet sought comment from Scott's office on Trump's statements. However, the candidate responded by referencing a conversation he had with Neil Cavuto last week. "I did not enter this race to come in second place. Second place is the first loser," Scott said.

On different occasions, Donald Trump has highlighted his good relationship with Scott. In fact, when the South Carolina senator made official his entry to the Republican primaries, the former president congratulated him and wished him luck.

"Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race. It is rapidly loading up with lots of people, and Tim is a big step up from Ron DeSanctimonious, who is totally unelectable. I got Opportunity Zones done with Tim, a big deal that has been highly successful. Good luck Tim!" the former president wrote on his Truth Social account.

Tim Scott's candidacy

Tim Scott made his entry into the Republican primary official on May 22. He assured that his intention and focus will be to restore "faith in America." He pledged to increase the quality of life for citizens, prioritize education and restore America's presence in the world. "They are attacking our American values, our schools, our economy, our security… but not on my watch. I cannot stand by while this is done to America. She’s done too much for me. Our nation, our values and our people are strong, but our president is weak." he said.
