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Freedom Caucus proposes freezing U.N. funding to finish border wall

With the Close Biden's Open Border Act, the Republican group is seeking to raise the $15 billion needed to complete the border wall.

Border wall

Border wall /Cordon Press.

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This week, a group of House Republicans introduced a bill that proposes freezing United Nations funding for next two years to finish the U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Republican Representative Bob Good, along with other members of the Freedom Caucus, introduced the Close Biden's Open Border Act, which seeks to raise the $15 billion needed to finish the wall in the southwest part of the country.

"This legislation would ensure we finish the construction on the border wall, and do so with a surplus while saving American taxpayers money in the process," Good said.

The politician also explained that the reason he would use United Nations (U.N.) money is because of reports that the international body has funded groups in Mexico that help migrants cross into the United States.

In fact, in the bill, there is a quote from NumbersUSA's Director of Government Relations Rosemary Jenks which mentions precisely that the UN is encouraging foreigners to illegally enter the U.S.

"If the U.N. insists on using its funds to destabilize the integrity of our borders, it's only reasonable that we use our share of U.N. contributions for our own border security," said Jenks.

Contribution to the U.N.

The U.S. government contributes approximately $11 billion annually to the United Nations, which means that by stopping its funding for the next two years, the wall could be built and about $7 billion would be left over.

Biden's open-borders policy

Since Joe Biden took office, the number of migrants illegally entering the country has grown exponentially, and taxpayers have had to shoulder the burden.

In fact, a New York Post report revealed that the open borders policy is costing New York City alone about $1 million per day, and this amount doesn't include food, schooling or other local services.

"The administration is flying illegal immigrants into random small airports and leaving shocked local communities to handle them," it reported.
