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Schumer proposes legalizing 11 million immigrants to combat declining birthrate

"They say it's empowering to stay single forever and never start a family, and their solution is to import the third world to replace them."

Chuck Schumer


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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has stated that the solution to the declining birth rate and worker shortage in the United States is to grant a pathway to citizenship to the 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the country.

These statements generated an uproar from conservative Twitter users who claimed hypocrisy on the part of Schumer and his party, who both support abortion and complain about the low birth rate. and proposes as a solution to allow free passage to the millions of illegal immigrants who cross the border. "The only way we can have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, DREAMers and all of them," Schumer added in a public statement.

In addition, Schumer denied the idea that immigration brings crime to the United States. "Immigrants, undocumented, documented have a higher rate of employment and a lower rate of crime than average Americans."

Many people spoke out in response to this statement, which they consider to be largely ironic. Media watchdog NewsBusters' Executive Editor Tim Graham added to the discussion via his Twitter account:

Greg Price, a conservative political strategist, also weighed in, highlighting the hypocrisy of Schumer and his party:

Reporter Ryan James Girdusky retweeted the following from conservative personality Ben Shapiro's account:

Other Twitter accounts that spoke out included that of lifestyle media outlet LifeNews.com, which responded, "Maybe quit promoting abortion." Conservative publication The Columbia Bugle also posted the following to its Twitter account:
