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Army asks soldiers to shower with transgender people

Ask units to share bathrooms with people of the opposite sex who are considered 'trans', even if they do not have sex change surgery.

US Army

US Army (Contando Estrelas-Flickr)

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An Army training instruction calls for soldiers to shower with transgender people of the opposite sex. They will have to share bathrooms even without having undergone sex change surgery. The document, obtained by Breitbart News, instructs soldiers on what to do if a female partner identifies as male despite still having female genitalia.

The document includes a vignette titled 'Barracks, bathrooms and training showers for soldiers/units.' It warns troops that anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, restrooms or showers with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Notification System)."

The slide asks Soldiers to be "respectful of the privacy and modesty of others," assuming that they need not feel violated by sharing a bathroom with persons of the opposite sex. This document also clarifies that "transgender soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior because they are not 'equal' to other soldiers."

Trans consignment in the Army

The Army warns that violations of equal opportunity policies may result in disciplinary action. This slide is part of mandatory training that all soldiers receive. In January 2021, the Biden administration issued the order to allow all qualified transgender people to join the military and serve openly. It reversed a Trump administration policy that barred transgender people with gender dysphoria from serving.

The new policy allows transgender soldiers to change their 'gender marker' in the Army database without undergoing sex change surgery. With that simple declaration, they can now share a bathroom with the opposite sex, as promoted by the armed forces themselves in this 'training' so far removed from classic military maneuvers.
