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The establishment strikes back

Neither Italy nor Sweden became fascist overnight. Quite simply, a majority of ordinary citizens have said enough is enough.

La Estatua de la Libertad

(Javier Ignacio Acuña Ditzel - Flickr)

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Albert Einstein used to say that it is easier to split an atom than destroy a prejudice. And, as he was about so many things, he was right. Seeing the reactions of the European elites to the election results in Italy is enough along with the resounding victory of Giorgia Meloni and the fratelli, a group that is labeled neo-fascist simply because it does not conform to the dominant left-wing consensus in Europe.

That consensus is based on a few beliefs and their subsequent policies:

1. The identity of European people (Italians, Spaniards, Germans, Hungarians...) must be subsumed in an abstract and superior identity: the European nationality.

2. The construction of Europe is a project that requires central institutions to be stronger than those existing in the member states.

3. The political objective of the European project is a federal superstate, based on inclusive, subsidized and expansive social policies and only sustainable through permanent tax increases.

4. The birth rate crisis, together with the complexes caused by the former imperial policies of the great European powers, demands the constant opening of borders and the submissive acceptance of increasing flows of illegal immigration.

5. Lacking a military capability of its own, the European ideal is to serve as a moral reference to the world and take the lead in global challenges. Therefore, European elites are willing to bear all the costs of energy transition policies as a sign of their commitment to the fight against climate change, regardless of the negative economic impact that this entails for their fellow citizens or the limited relevance of the measures to be adopted.

6. The achievement of gender equality requires positive discrimination measures in favor of women, as well as the recognition of the rights of any and all types of genders according to their sexual orientation.

Finally, progressivism and modernity entail rejecting Europe's Christian roots, a radical secularization and, paradoxically, an extreme multiculturalism that prioritizes the supremacy of the beliefs and customs of foreigners over those of Europeans.

In today's Europe (and also in America), anyone who questions these beliefs is automatically branded a Nazi or a fascist. Having been the cause of so much horror and destruction in the 20th century, it is not surprising that it has become the dismissive rhetoric of today. Freedom advocates can quickly figure it out. The hypocrisy lies in that these supposedly liberal and democratic voices go hand in hand with leftists who continue to praise the figures guilty of murder and genocide, such as Che Guevara, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Therefore, many of the people who throw around accusations of fascism against those who disapprove of the current culture of political correctness are actually whitewashing the other ideology that has caused the greatest evils for people and the planet: communism.

The secret is none other than to succeed in mobilizing all those in the defense of life, prosperity, the nation, the family and freedom. This is a lesson the U.S. Republican Party should have learned by now.

Perhaps those who still sing the chords of The International, with their fists up in the air, are a minority. Today communism does not pass through the dictatorship of a proletariat that has long abandoned communists. Today communism wears the cloak of woke ideology, manifests itself in LGBTQI+ lobbies etc., as well as in apocalyptic climate activism. They all agree in wanting to curtail the freedom of the individual; they want less free market, more state, more blind obedience. They are all moles that undermine the values of liberal democracy.

There was a moment when it seemed that history was going to get some common sense back, breaking this suicidal dynamic generated between communists from below and crony capitalism from above. It started with the victory of British sovereigntism and Brexit after the June 2016 referendum. It continued with Donald Trump’s election to the White House but it stopped there. British hesitations and Trump's disdain for the forces that wanted him out of power thwarted like-minded politicians from moving forward in Germany, the Netherlands or France. Until recently. First it was Sweden, where the leftist experiment has made it the most unsafe European country for women. Then, a few days ago, Italy joined the ranks by being a country also shaken by illegal immigration, criminality and the lack of response from the parties in power.

Neither Italy nor Sweden became fascist overnight. Quite simply, a majority of ordinary citizens have very sensible ideas instilled within them like the idea that in times of crisis, nationals come first. Also, the belief that women and men are two different genders. The idea that we do not have to bear the burden of the mistakes leaders made 150 years ago. All of this says enough to those who promote the suicide of Western civilization.

The secret is none other than to succeed in mobilizing all those in the defense of life, prosperity, the nation, family and freedom. This is a lesson the U.S. Republican Party should have learned by now. Fraud or not, the reality is that Democrats got more people out to vote than ever before. Getting them to demobilize is only part of the victory. You have to get voters excited so they will go for the GOP. Whoever does it the best will be the best candidate.
