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Libre Institute poll reveals Hispanics aren't buying into "Bidenomics"

The Hispanic community does not approve of "Bidenomics" and is concerned about the future of the country.

Libre Institute poll reveals Hispanics aren't buying into "Bidenomics"

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The Libre Institute revealed in Washington D.C. a poll that shows that Hispanics are concerned about President Joe Biden's economic policies. While the current administration tries to claim that "Bidenomics" has been a great success, more and more polls show that these economic policies are what most concern Americans, especially Hispanics.

According to Libre's poll, Hispanics are quite pessimistic about where the country is going with "Bidenomics." Seventy-one percent believe the country is on the wrong track and only 29% of Hispanic voters believe we are headed in the right direction. In addition, the majority of Hispanics generally disapprove of the president's work. Sixty-nine percent said they disapprove of Biden's work, and only 31% of Hispanics surveyed said they approve of the current president's management.

President Biden's economic policies are not working for Hispanics. In general, they are concerned about the economy. When asked how they would rate the current state of the economy, only 21% of Hispanics rate the economy as excellent or good, while 79% rate it as fair or bad. They are also pessimistic about the future. Thirty-eight percent believe things will stay the same next year, 42% believe it will get worse and only 21% think the economy will improve.

On the other hand, inflation is the issue that most concerns Hispanics, followed by the overall economy and employment. Eighty-four percent of Hispanics agree that inflation has negatively affected their quality of life. This sentiment is felt across party lines with 91% of Republicans, 88% of independents and 79% of Democrats agreeing that inflation has negatively impacted their quality of life. This is undoubtedly one of the determining factors for Hispanics about their overall feelings on the economy and in their disapproval of Biden's economic policies.

One of the main reasons why Hispanics decide to migrate to the United States is so their children can have a brighter future. However, Hispanics are now overwhelmed by the direction the country has taken. Eighty percent of Hispanic voters said they agreed with the following statement: "I worry that America is declining and that my children will not have the opportunities I hoped they would have."

Daniel Garza, president of the Libre Institute, said that "because of our numbers you can not ignore the Latino community, it is a political malpractice to ignore Latino voters now. So now they (the two parties) are respecting Latinos, in the sense that they're trying to win their votes, and that's why it's so important to talk to the Latino community."

Meanwhile, César Grajales, Director of Public Affairs at the Libre Institute, told Voz Media that "one of the most remarkable points of this survey of the Libre Institute is that 71% of Hispanics in the United States believe that the country is on the wrong track. However, the matter gets worse when this group is subdivided, because among independents 84% believe that the country is on the wrong track and, among the center-left, 67% believe that it is on the wrong track. That's very bad news for President Biden who is running for re-election with incredibly low popularity, not only among the American voter, but also within the Democratic Party, and without a doubt, Hispanic sentiment reflects Joe Biden's mismanagement."
