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US and UK forces hit Houthi rebels in Yemen

The coalition attack comes days after terrorist attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea increased.

En esta imagen del 24 de febrero de 2024, difundida por el Mando Central de Estados Unidos, un avión de combate estadounidense despega desde la cubierta del portaaviones USS Eisenhower en el Mar Rojo durante operaciones contra objetivos hutíes. Las fuerzas estadounidenses y británicas llevaron a cabo el 24 de febrero una nueva oleada de ataques contra 18 objetivos hutíes en Yemen, según un comunicado conjunto, tras semanas de incesantes ataques contra la navegación en el Mar Rojo por parte de los rebeldes respaldados por Irán.

(US Central Command (CENTCOM) / AFP)

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American and British Forces in the Middle East have hit Houthi rebel positions in Yemen, according to local sources and Rishi Sunak's government. These air strikes come in response to attacks by Yemeni terrorists against merchant ships circulating in the Red Sea.

The United States Central Command reported that U.S. forces destroyed eight unmanned aerial devices operated by the Houthi rebels. Added to them are two missile launching positions controlled by the Houthis in Yemeni territory.

According to local sources, the explosions were reported in the vicinity of Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, which is under Houthi control, as well as Hodeida and Taez. Pentagon sources cited by the AP assure, however, that the targets hit by the attacks by Western forces were at least 13.

According to these same sources, U.S. warplanes and ships attacked a wide range of underground facilities, missile launchers, command and control centers, a Houthi ship and other facilities. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to provide the first details of an ongoing military operation.

According to the British, the objective of the operation was to "reduce their ability to persist in their attacks on international maritime trade in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden." The Houthis claim that in the month of May, they shot down at least two American unmanned aerial devices, both MQ-9 Reaper drones. The United States has yet to confirm this information, however.

This is the fifth time that U.S. and British forces have carried out a combined operation against the Houthis since they became involved again in the region following attacks on maritime commerce.

Houthis report 16 people killed

Following the combined U.S.-U.K. attack, the Houthi authorities, who govern most of the country's major cities, announced through their media channel the death of at least 16 people from the bombing.

"The U.S.-British aggression will not stop us from continuing our military operations," Mohamed Al Bukhaiti, a member of the Houthi rebels, stated on X, vowing to "respond to escalation with escalation."

According to a new report by the Yemeni channel Al Masirah, at least 16 people were killed and 35 wounded in the night bombings launched by Washington and London. It was not specified whether the victims are civilians or Houthi fighters.

Houthis respond with missiles against Eisenhower aircraft carrier

Through a televised statement, the Houthis reported that they responded to the combined Western attacks with a missile barrage. Specifically, the Houthis claim to have directed their rockets at the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier, which has been patrolling the waters of the Red Sea since the escalation of the tensions in the region.
