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The European Union harshens its tone against Israel: 'The two-state solution must be imposed from outside'

In a speech at the University of Valladolid, E.U. Foreign Minister Josep Borrell argued that, in his opinion, the Israeli government created Hamas.

Josep Borrell en la Universidad de Valladolid

(Captura de Pantalla / Youtube)

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Josep Borrell, the European Union (E.U.) high representative for foreign and security policy, was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the University of Valladolid in Spain on Friday. When Borrell went to give his speech, he had a harsh tone against Israel and called for the imposition of the two-state solution from abroad.

The E.U. foreign minister reviewed some of his milestones at the helm of European foreign policy and some of the pending challenges for Europe. At the end of his speech, Borrell spoke of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, lamenting the lack of progress such as that of the Oslo Accords. In this speech, Borrell said that in his opinion, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been sabotaging peace in Israel for 30 years, as well as the two-state solution, which Borrell said is necessary and that must be "imposed from the outside to bring peace".

"Although Israel reaffirms its refusal and has even created Hamas to prevent it," added Josep Borrell, hardening his stance on Israel just a few days before a meting of foreign ministers from the 27 member countries of the European Union. At this meeting, chaired by Josep Borrell, the E.U.'s foreign ministers will analyze the situation in Ukraine and in the Middle East. Also scheduled for Monday is a meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. "Hamas has been funded by the Israeli government to destabilize Fattah's Palestinian Authority," Borrell continued.

"If we do not intervene strongly, the spiral of violence will continue, from generation to generation. From funeral to funeral, when the seeds of hatred that are being sown in Gaza today will flourish," the high representative said before adding that unity from the European Union is necessary to carry out such an intervention plan in Israel.
