Search Results for : immigrants

Biden grants "victim visas" to three illegal immigrants, allowing them to legally live and work in the country

The federal administration granted them U visas to work legally, as well as protection from deportation.


Demonstration by Afghan immigrants causes chaos in Paris

At least four people were arrested for the incident. French leaders repudiated the facts.


The United States restarts deportation flights to Haiti with 52 immigrants

A total of 40 men and 12 women landed on Thursday at the international airport of Cap-Haitien, the second city of the Caribbean country.


Fugitive immigrants enter the country illegally without getting caught by authorities thanks to the help of human traffickers

Reporter Auden Cabello told Voz Media that smugglers bring these migrants across the border without them being detected by the authorities. Many of them carry drugs such as "marijuana or cocaine."


Denver defunds police and fire departments to benefit illegal immigrants

The Democratic-run city intends to cut about $45 million in existing public programs and services.