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Most Americans believe that the FBI is not fully investigating the case into Hunter Biden's laptop

Voters also believe that the government and intelligence community need wide-ranging reform to prevent interference in future elections, according to the results of a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.

Familia Biden, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, James Biden

(Cordon Press/ Voz Media)

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"The Hunter Biden laptop is real." "The Department of Justice and the FBI are not fully investigating Hunter Biden," who "was involved in illegal influence peddling and tax evasion." That's how most U.S. voters think, according to the latest poll conducted by Harvard CAPS/Harris.

This is bad news for the White House. Only 41% of Americans believe that Hunter Biden's laptop left in a repair shop in Delaware is "Russian disinformation." On the other hand, 59% believe it is real.

It gets even worse for the Democrats, who have their sights set on 2024. While the majority of Democratic voters align with the party's positions, there is a fair amount of disagreement within the party. Specifically, 41% say that the laptop situation is real; 43% believe that Hunter Biden broke the law; and 34% believe that it is not being fully investigated. Although there is also some disagreement among GOP voters, it doesn't exceed 27%.

There is even more grim data for the president himself. Nearly 53% of voters believe that Joe Biden "was involved with his son in an illegal influence peddling scheme" when he was vice president. Here, however, the percentage of Democratic voters who disagree with the Democratic party's stance drops to 25%.

The outlook gets even worse for the Democratic party when the latest Rasmussen results are taken into account. According to these, 53% of voters are in favor of impeaching Biden and 42% say it should be done right now.

Independents vs. Biden

Voters who identify themselves as independents or have "other" affiliations agree with Republicans more than Democrats, according to Harvard CAPS/Harris. Most said that the laptop issue is real (58%), that federal agencies could do more to investigate it (60%) and that Hunter Biden broke the law (65%).

In addition, 58% believe that the Democratic president was involved in influence peddling during Barack Obama's presidency.

Durham Report

As for the conclusions reached by the Durham report, a slight majority (55%) believe that they did not reveal anything new, although there is no agreement on what these conclusions are. Half say the report argues that the investigation should not have been opened in the first place, while the other half think it should have.

In addition, 56% think that the FBI prioritized investigating Donald Trump while sidelining possible investigations of Democrats. A similar percentage, 55%, believe that the media that published the story of the alleged collusion are purposefully not publishing the results of the Durham report.

55% also say that former President Trump did not collude with Russia.

The intelligence community is in the spotlight

The FBI's malpractice revealed by the Durham report did not come as a surprise to Americans. Sixty-nine percent were not shocked by the conclusions that we here at Voz Media have published, including that the federal agency should not have initiated the investigation against Trump for alleged collusion with Russia and that it operated as a disinformation channel in favor of then-candidate Hillary Clinton. Some 79% of GOP voters agree with this, in addition to 76% of independents and 55% of Democratic voters.

Could the Intelligence community intervene again in presidential elections? 90% of voters are concerned about it. Among them, 37% are very concerned, 33% are somewhat concerned and 20% are not very concerned. The remaining 10% claim not to be concerned at all.

Along with these results, 71% of voters believe that the U.S. needs wide-ranging reform to prevent similar interference from recurring. The majority of Republican voters (76%), Democrats (65%), independents and "others" (72%) agree.
