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From solidarity to anti-Jewish hatred: The world is divided on the terrorist attacks in Israel

Groups in support of and against the war clashed earlier this week. Other countries are experiencing a similar situation.

La torre Eiffel iluminada con los colores de Israel

(Cordon Press)

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The world is divided over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Most of the governments in the northern hemisphere have firmly condemned the attacks by the Hamas terrorist group this weekend. However, not every country has taken this stance. This has been the case in places with significant Muslim communities, such as the United Kingdom, or in some others where solidarity with the Palestinian cause has a long political history.

Some groups haven't fully condemned the terrorist group's attack and claim that the Palestinians are legitimately defending what is owed to them. These groups seem to have ties with left-wing parties. They claim to have an ambiguous position when it comes to the the situation that has shaken the East since Saturday when armed Hamas terrorists attacked Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip.

Since the beginning of this new wave of clashes, the Israeli government has reported at least 900 deaths, most of which were civilians. Palestinian authorities estimate that 700 people have died in the Gaza Strip as a result of the airstrikes. In Israeli territory, at least 1,000 armed Hamas militants have been killed since Saturday.

Attack on the Sydney Opera House

Police in Sydney, Australia, announced this Tuesday that they opened an investigation into what happened on Monday at the Opera House. Several videos have gone viral on social media of the incident. One shows a rally in support of the people in Palestine. At the rally, a group of people can be seen carrying Palestinian flags. They wore face coverings while vandalizing the building that was lit up with the colors of the Israeli flag.

Some flares were thrown at the building, while, according to Sky News, protesters shouted anti-Semitic chants and insulted the Jewish community. The Australian government described the events as "horrendous."

America is divided

In the United States, many people have posted messages of support to the Israelis and condemned the Hamas attack. However, several clashes have been reported in some of the country's large cities such as New York City and Washington DC.

Harvard University issued a statement condemning several student organizations' positions' on the Hamas attack.

As many colleagues, classmates, and friends deal with pain and deep concern about the events in Israel and Gaza, we must all remember that we are one Harvard community, drawn together by a shared passion for learning, discovery, and the pursuit of truth in all its complexity, and held together by a commitment to mutual respect and support. At this moment of challenge, let us embody the care and compassion the world needs now.

The previous statement, signed by more than 20 student organizations, began by stating that the "Israeli regime" was responsible for the deaths of Israeli civilians.

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In France, law enforcement agencies have banned several demonstrations in support of Palestine. In cities like Lyon, police had to break up illegal gatherings. In Paris, the authorities authorized a peaceful march organized by Jewish associations in France which ended on Trocadéro Street, in front of the Eiffel Tower which was lit up with the colors of the Israeli flag, as ordered by the Paris City Council.

In Spain, hundreds of people gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square. The rally was held in support of Palestine. The FDI's Spanish account shared a video that shows some participants making anti-Semitic threats.
