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Elon Musk unleashes Maduro's wrath with Spanish publications against the regime

The tycoon responded with derision to the dictator's threats, boasts and accusations with a forceful message in Spanish: "El burro sabe más que Maduro" (The donkey knows more than Maduro).

Elon Musk a su llegada a un acto junto a una foto de Maduro saludando a Elvis Amoroso.

Montage with an Elon Musk photo of Maduro's photo with Elvis Amoroso.Billy Bennight /ZUMA Press Wire/ Xinhua / Presidency of Venezuela.

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Nicolas Maduro has "declared war" on Venezuela's new "archenemy" mogul and owner of X, Elon Musk. Musk's crime has been to position himself in favor of the Venezuelan opposition led by María Corina Machado and Edmundo González and to denounce the fraud and abuses of the Bolivarian dictatorship. Musk responded to the tyrant's threats, bluster and nonsensical accusations with a forceful message in Spanish: "El burro sabe más que Maduro."

Musk's support for the opposition is not new, nor are his attacks on the regime. It is common to see in his X publications, his criticism of the dictator and him demanding a change. Something that intensified with the end of the campaign and, especially after election day, sharing publications about what was happening in Venezuela and denouncing the lies of the regime, such as the publication of results where the sum of the votes exceeded 130% of the number of voters.

Musk's support to the Venezuelan opposition

The day after the elections the tycoon did not hold back in his calls for change and support for the leaders, even daring in Spanish to give more strength to his messages among Venezuelans. First he backed the press conference of Machado and González in which they claimed to have won the elections with 70% of the votes and, subsequently, echoed the popular mobilizations that tore down statues of Chávez in the country.

Maduro challenges Musk to a fight and accuses him of wanting to "control the world"

The tyrant responded by calling Musk "our new archenemy" and accusing him of creating a "virtual reality" through the social network X and of "being behind everything with his money and his satellites." In addition, he pointed out that the tycoon is "desperate" and that is why he is showing his face on this occasion, but that he really "would already like to come with his rockets and an army to invade Venezuela."

And, according to Maduro, Musk's ultimate goal is to "control the world" as "he already controls Argentina." A control with economic interests behind, the dictator points out since "he is going after your lithium, Argentine people." He also "controls Ecuador." The dictator assured that the tycoon "is the representation of the fascist ideology in the world. The economic power backing the fascist ideology of the extreme right. Antinature, anti-society."

Maduro then pointed out that "the archenemy of Venezuela's peace" shared a publication in which allegedly regime officials were seen stealing what appear to be ballot boxes, when it was, according to the official version and the punctuation of several network users, air conditioning units. For the dictator, this shows that Musk "is desperate" and told him "get a grip, they are going to lead you to failure just like this right wing led to the failure of all American politicians."

Maduro issued a warning and a challenge to the tycoon: "Elon Musk, whoever messes with me dries up. Whoever messes with Venezuela, dries up. You want a fight? Let's give it to you, Elon Musk. I am the son of Bolivar and Chavez. I am not afraid of you. Let's give it to each other, then. Wherever you want. As we say in Caracas, in the barrios, 'If you want, I want,' say where."

Musk apologizes to donkeys for comparing them to Maduro

The last episode was signed by the alluded himself, when he added a response to his original tweet apologizing to the donkeys for comparing them to the dictator: "Sorry for comparing the poor donkey to Maduro. It's an insult to the animal world."
