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US Central Command says ISIS attacks on pace to double in Iraq and Syria compared to 2023

The agency reported that the terrorist organization claimed 153 attacks in those countries so far in 2024.


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U.S. Central Command reported that ISIS has claimed 153 attacks in Iraq and Syria so far in 2024. In that regard, the agency explained that at this rate, the terrorist organization is on track to more than double the total number of attacks it claimed in 2023. 

In addition, CENTCOM argued that the increase in attacks indicates that ISIS is attempting to reestablish itself after several years of declining capabilities.

"To continue the effort to defeat ISIS and prevent its ability to conduct external attacks, United States Central Command, along with our Defeat ISIS partners, Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces, conducted 196 Defeat ISIS Missions resulting in 44 ISIS operatives killed and 166 detained in the first half of 2024.," CENTCOM detailed in a statement posted on its official website. 

Similarly, the command detailed that in Iraq, 137 associated operations resulted in 30 ISIS members killed and 74 arrested. In the case of Syria, 59 operations conducted resulted in 14 ISIS members killed and 92 terrorists arrested.

"The above operations resulted in eight senior ISIS leaders killed and 32 captured in both Iraq and Syria. These leaders include those responsible for planning of operations outside of Syria and Iraq, recruiting, training, and weapons smuggling," U.S. Central Command explained. 
