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A church collapses in Mexico, killing at least ten people

The incident that occurred in Tamaulipas also left 40 injured. According to authorities there are children among the victims.

Derrumbe de una parroquia en Tamaulipas

(Captura de Pantalla / Twitter)

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Tragedy has struck in Mexico following the collapse of the roof of a church in the state of Tamaulipas this Sunday. The accident occurred while a baptism was being celebrated inside the parish, which caused at least 10 deaths, in addition to leaving more than 40 injured.

The parish of Santa Cruz is located in the Unidad Nacional neighborhood, in the city of Madero. The Mexican authorities indicated that the National Guard and emergency services went to the scene to proceed with the rescue tasks, which are still active.

The governor of the state of Tamaulipas, Américo Villareal, traveled to the site of the disaster and spoke to the media there. The governor confirmed to the AFP agency that the death toll soo far has amounted to ten. Five women, two men and three minors. Among the more than 40 injured, at least 23 had to be hospitalized.

According to the governor, the building was about 50 years old and was built in an industrial style. According to the same sources, those responsible for the parish had not detected any cracks or defects in the construction until this Sunday.

Some neighborhood security cameras captured the moment the building collapsed. In the images, which are circulating on social media, you can see how the roof of the church collapses, along with some walls, and raises a large cloud of dust around it.
