Mexican Congress exposes two bodies of allegedly extraterrestrial origin
Ufologist Jaime Maussan presented the mummified corpses, more than a thousand years old, claiming that they prove the existence of alien life.

(YouTube / Excelsior TV)
The existence of aliens and UFOs could soon be a reality. Mexico’s Congress exposed on Tuesday two non-human bodies, evidence of the existence of so-called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), or as everyone knows them, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
The bodies, presented by ufologist Jaime Maussan and other experts in the field, were found in Cusco, Peru, and are more than 1,000 years old. This is how Maussan explained it to the Mexican deputies:
Extraterrestrial life, a danger to national security?
This discovery served for experts in the field together with Maussan to ask Mexican legislators to recognize extraterrestrial life in the country. They did so during the first public hearing on UAP.
Maussan and experts in the field are not the only ones defending the existence of UFOs on Earth. Robert Salas also believes in them. The former lieutenant of the United States Air Force also went to the Congress of Mexico and defended, in statements collected by Infobae, that they had seen anomalous phenomena almost daily:
Not only in the United States have UFOs been sighted, but also in Mexico. As Enrique Kolbrechk, a Mexican air traffic controller, explained in Congress, he had witnessed "unusual events during his work," also providing evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life in the country.