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Two in three Americans fear post-election violence

This is the result of the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, which reveals that almost all Democrats predict there will be riots after the elections.

Una encuesta golpea duramente a Biden: pierde ante Trump por 5 puntos y su índice de aprobación baja a mínimos históricos

Montaje de Voz Media. (Cordon Press)

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The next presidential election could be altered by political violence and that worries Americans. One in three Americans fear that violent clashes between Democrats and Republicans could break out as a result of this November's elections.

This was revealed in the latest poll carried out by Reuters and Ipsos about public opinion on the political climate, just six months before the election. The survey of 3,934 adults found Americans have widespread concerns that the United States could experience a repeat of the riots that broke out after Biden's victory in 2020, specifically similar to the events of January 6 at the Capitol.

According to Reuters/Ipsos results, Democrats are the most concerned that violent protests will break out. 83% of them said they were worried that extremists will resort to violence if they are not satisfied with the election result. Sixty-five percent of Republican voters (68% of all respondents) have the same concern. Only 15% disagreed and another 16% were not sure.

Despite this, 87% of Democrats are confident about the reliability of the electoral system and the hypothetical November results. Meanwhile, only 47% of Republican respondents said they fully trust the legitimacy of the election results.

After the last 2020 elections, Donald Trump claimed there were alleged irregularities when counting votes and that is why Joe Biden won. The focus was especially on Maricopa County, Colorado, where there were reported incidents with voting machines. According to Trump's critics, his speech about the legitimacy of the results led to the January 6 riots.
