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Supreme Court rejects Peter Navarro's request to avoid prison

Donald Trump's former advisor filed this appeal after being convicted of contempt of Congress. Tuesday is the deadline to turn himself in.

Peter Navarro, ex asesor de Donald Trump.

(Cordon Press)

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The Supreme Court denied the release of Peter Navarro, who was seeking to avoid prison after being convicted of contempt of Congress when he was summoned to testify before the committee that investigated the events that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021. Tuesday is the deadline for Donald Trump's former advisor to voluntarily report to a federal prison in Miami.

John Roberts, chief justice of the Supreme Court, ruled against Navarro, considering that his appeal lacked grounds to avoid prison. "I see no basis to disagree with the determination that Navarro forfeited those arguments," Roberts said.

As soon as he learned of the latest judicial ruling rejecting his release, Navarro issued a statement in which he indicated that the constitutional separation of powers "will be irreparably damaged":

Justice Roberts took care to note that his reason for denial was “distinct from [my] pending appeal on the merits.” That appeal on the merits will continue and if I fail in that appeal – after nonetheless serving my full prison term -- the constitutional separation of powers will be irreparably damaged and the doctrine of executive privilege dating back to George Washington will cease to function as an important safeguard for effective presidential decision-making. There is much at stake here and it is worth the fight.

At the end of January, the Justice condemned Navarro to four months behind bars and to pay a financial fine of $9,500 for two minor counts of contempt after failing to comply with his obligation to appear before the defunct federal committee that investigated the incidents of January 6.
