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Undecided voters condemn Biden's immigration policy: "the border is open"

The Harvard Harris Poll survey shows dismal results for the president among swing voters, key to his re-election.

Biden en la frontera. El Paso (Texas)

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A new Harvard Harris Poll survey on Biden's assessment and his performance as president lays bare the Democrats terrible results among undecided voters, who will be key to the president's re-election.

Among the issues on which Biden scores the worst are immigration and the management of the southern border. According to the survey, immigration is the third most important issue for voters, at 24%, after inflation and the economy and jobs. Biden's management in this field is rated as the worst, behind inflation. The president only obtained 36% approval for this dossier, according to the results of the survey.

Specifically, 74% of undecided and independent people believe that the illegal immigration situation in the United States is getting worse. The total number of Americans is 71%.

Havard Harris Poll

(Havard Harris Poll)

It is a disapproval figure almost as high as that of Republican opinion, which reaches 88%. The Democrats surveyed persist in showing support on this issue, however, even among blue respondents, the Biden Administration flunks: 53% think it is getting worse.

The border is open

Americans also have a very negative perception of the on-the-ground work being done on the southern border. According to the survey results, 56% of Americans believe that the "border is open and that the laws are not enforced."

In the breakdown, the figure increases to 57% for undecided voters who support this statement. 78% for Republicans.

Sanctuary cities also take a hit in this latest survey. Compared to 45%, 55% of Americans would oppose sanctuary cities limiting or denying cooperation with separate agencies in immigration law enforcement. The question refers to the Trump Administration's definition of sanctuary cities, which during its mandate confronted the White House and immigration control policies.

The only ones who, with a weak majority of 58%, support sanctuary cities are the Democrats. Both Republicans -70%- and independents -55%- oppose them.
