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Voters don't believe Biden's speech about booming economy

According to a new survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal, in which 1,500 people participated.

Joe Biden. State of the Union address / Cordon Press.

Joe Biden / Cordon Press.

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Joe Biden used Labor Day to promote his economic agenda to voters. The president appeared on Monday at a parade in Philadelphia, where he commented that the U.S. economy is the "strongest in the world," while noting the number of jobs created since January 2021, "almost 13.5 million."

The President raises the economic flag as one of the strongest in the face of his re-election attempt. Just as he expressed it in Fily and makes clear at every campaign rally, the U.S. is going through "one of the strongest periods of job growth in our history,". Biden boasted on Friday.

He also took the opportunity to throw a couple of jabs at Donald Trump, whom he did not name directly. "The guy who held this job before me was just one of two presidents in history … who left office with fewer jobs in America than when he got elected to office", he said. Biden then promoted himself as "the most pro-union president" in the history of the country.

"We’re replacing trickle-down economics with what everyone on Wall Street is referring to these days as ‘Bidenomics’. And guess what. It’s working," he said.

However, his perception does not seem to be the same as that of voters, or at least that is what a Wall Street Journal poll found.

The poll surveyed 1,500 registered voters and had a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points. According to their findings, 59% disapprove of the president's economic performance, against 37% who view it favorably. In addition,63% rejected Biden's handling of inflation while only 34% approved.

"By an 11-point margin, more voters see Trump rather than Biden as having a record of accomplishments as president—some 40% said Biden has such a record, while 51% said so of Trump. By an eight-point margin, more voters said Trump has a vision for the future. And by 10 points, more described Trump as mentally up to the presidency. Some 46% said that is true of Trump, compared with 36% who said so of Biden", the newspaper explained.

"These numbers come at a time when Biden has been traveling the country for months to promote his economic record and legislative achievements, including significant investments in infrastructure, clean energy and technology," they added regarding the President's economic numbers", they added.
