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N.C. Congress overrides governor's veto of abortion law

The Republican supermajority in the state House of Representatives approved the law that prohibits terminating a pregnancy after 12 weeks.

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North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore announced that the state Congress overrode Governor Roy Cooper's veto of the Women, Infant and Family Care Act banning abortion after 12 weeks.

"Needed support for women and families"

Moore, who had announced that he would override the veto as soon as Cooper signed it, kept his word, despite doubts that four of his fellow caucus members could disengage from the group and save the governor's initiative. "I am proud that the House has overridden the Governor’s veto of this meaningful, mainstream legislation. Senate Bill 20 will save lives and provide needed support for women and families while putting North Carolina’s abortion law in line with the most of the rest of the free world."

With this vote, "the North Carolina House of Representatives has affirmed the value of human life, and I am proud that the ‘Care for Women, Children, and Families Act’ is now law."

Cooper: "I will do everything I can to protect abortion".

After the override of the veto was confirmed, Cooper issued a statement assuring that he will do "everything I can to protect abortion access in North Carolina because women's lives depend on it."
