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Donald Trump says he's never had "so much love and support as I do now"

The former president is on his way to Trump Tower in New York to appear before Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday.

Ambiente en Palm Beach, Florida tras conocerse la imputación de Donald Trump el 30 de marzo de 2023.

(Cordon Press).

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Donald Trump assured Monday that he has never had "so much love and support as I do now." The former president is headed to Trump Tower in New York to appear Tuesday before Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan. He was accused of making an illegal payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels. However, he assured on Truth Social that the accusation is serving him well, since he has more support than ever:

It is clear that the case has rallied Americans and, thanks to this indictment, Trump has more supporters with each passing day. Looking at the polls, the vast majority do not agree or "do not know" what to think about the indictment of the former president. A poll conducted by ABC News in collaboration with Ipsos assures that 32% believe that Trump should not be indicted for this crime. Twenty-three percent claim to be undecided, and 45% believe that the decision to indict the former president is correct.

Democrats are the most supportive of the decision to indict Trump. According to the poll, 88% think Trump "should have been charged in the investigation by the Manhattan district attorney." Republicans, on the other hand, are more divided. Sixty-two percent believe that charging him is not the action that should be taken, while 21% said they do not know, and 16% believe that prosecutor Bragg made the right decision in charging the former president.

Donald Trump gains lead in Republican presidential race

As Americans take sides and decide whether or not to support the former president, polls show Donald Trump gaining a wide lead in the Republican presidential race.

As reported by IA Polls, Trump has more than half of the support in the Republican Party against Ron DeSantis. Polls conducted by The Trafalgar Group, YouGov, Fabrizio and McLauglin all project that Trump will become the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Moreover, he would do so with more than half of his party's support:

Public personalities around the world are also expressing both support and disapproval of the former president. One of the latest was Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán Viktor. The Hungarian politician shared an image next to Donald Trump with a message showing his support:
