Search Results for : antisemitism
Culture World

Eurovision: Switzerland wins the competition with the song “The Code” and Israel defeats antisemitism by placing second in the popular vote

Despite attempts to exclude the Israeli country from the contest, its representative Eden Golan achieved a great performance, earning 375 points that placed her in the top-5 overall.

Opinion Politics

The House bill will hinder campus antisemitism, not free speech

A bizarre coalition of left- and right-wingers opposes a measure to mandate the enforcement of Title VI protections for Jewish students on campus. They’re both dead wrong.

Politics Society

The House approves a bill to expand the definition of antisemitism and sanction anti-Jewish hate movements on university campuses

The legislation received broad bipartisan support, but also various questions about whether it violates the First Amendment.

Opinion Society

Islamism and progressivism are driving antisemitism in the US

The rise in antisemitic incidents, often driven by a strange alliance between Islamists and leftists, whose hatred against Jews momentarily outweighs their differences, is increasingly targeting even progressive Jews. This escalation of violence within the community is causing growing concern.


Elite antisemitism: Anti-Israel protests spread to universities across the country

Students from at least 20 universities have set up tents to show solidarity with Columbia protesters while police are carrying out mass arrests amid clashes and insults.