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Macron's government bussed homeless migrants out of Paris before the Olympics

The migrants claimed they were promised accommodation elsewhere by the government, but actually ended up living in unfamiliar streets far from the Olympic venues.

El presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, pronuncia un discurso durante una reunión con altos cargos del Gobierno en París

Emmanuel MacronAFP

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Emmanuel Macron's government is bussing thousands of homeless migrants out of Paris. The decision, made by the progressive president, was given in advance so that they would not be in the capital when the 2024 Olympic Games begin. They assured that the government promised them accommodation elsewhere, but they ended up living on unfamiliar streets.

In addition, the undocumented immigrants also explained that many were singled out for deportation. The information was confirmed by The New York Times, which spoke with some of those affected with Macron's decision and other sources familiar with the case. 

"Around the city over the past year, the police and courts have evicted roughly 5,000 people, most of them single men, according to Christophe Noël du Payrat, a senior government official in Paris. City officials encourage them to board buses to cities like Lyon or Marseille," explained The New York Times

Despite the French government's insistence that the measure was taken to address the housing crisis in the city caused by the arrival of hundreds of illegal immigrants, the newspaper L'Équipe obtained an email in which a government housing official assured that the goal was to identify people on the street in locations near Olympic venues and move them before the games.

"As the Paris 2024 Olympics approach and near the Olympic venues, evacuations of homeless people are increasing, in Paris and elsewhere. And the state is no longer hiding it so much," the French media outlet reported. 
