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‘The worst massacre of civilians in the history of the modern State of Israel’

This was stated by Roni Kaplan, Spanish-speaking spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces.


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The terrorist group known as Hamas launched an attack against Israel early Saturday morning, leaving behind hundreds of civilian victims and terrifying scenes that have already circulated on social media. The advance both by land and by air is focused on the center and south of the country. Benjamin Netanyahu warned his citizens that it is a "war."

The terrorists launched rockets, sent ground forces and, above all, displayed contempt for the Israeli civilian population, whom they massacred in the streets, kidnapped and even displayed like trophies. For Roni Kaplan, Spanish-speaking spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces, this was "the worst massacre of civilians in the history of the modern State of Israel."

Images on social media showed terrorists displaying the body of a young Israeli woman murdered in the streets, live kidnappings to the Gaza Strip and entire families murdered in cold blood.

According to the latest updates, the Hamas attack in southern Israel has left at least 200 dead and another 1,100 injured. Southern Israel is the most affected so far, since up to 22 places were hit either by missiles or by the Hamas ground forces.

What happened in Israel?

As Kaplan explained, sirens sounded several times in the morning, both in Jerusalem and in the rest of the country. "Incredibly, 70% of the Israeli population was under fire. Some 2,500 missiles were launched by Hamas and other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip, leaving people injured and dead," he began.

"But also, at that same moment, dozens of Hamas terrorists entered the area surrounding the Gaza Strip. They infiltrated, entered homes and killed people, mothers, fathers and children. That's why Israel decided to go to war. It will be a war that stands for something more. A war for our families, a war for our homes," he added.

In turn, the Spanish-speaking spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces assured that Israel has nothing against "civilians in the Gaza Strip," but "unfortunately, these people, who shoot indiscriminately at civilians on the Israeli side, also use civilians in the Gaza Strip as human shields."
