California: Public School Teacher Calls Republican Party Nazis and Fascists
Verónica Silveri Pazos
Florida is the most educationally free state in the country
Verónica Silveri Pazos
Ireland: Christian teacher jailed for not submitting to woke pronouns
Juan Carlos Téllez
New York: school principal admits to promoting progressive indoctrination in classrooms
Verónica Silveri Pazos
Florida is the state with the best college education
Juan Carlos Téllez
Elitist New York schools recommend LGBT and 'secret abortion' reading to five-year-olds
Verónica Silveri Pazos
More than half of parents dissatisfied with public education
Verónica Silveri Pazos
Los Angeles: almost 70% of teachers want to quit their jobs
Verónica Silveri Pazos
Public school assistant principal admits he does not hire Catholic and conservative teachers
Verónica Silveri Pazos
Texas school district rebels against indoctrination, ends gender ideology
Juan Carlos Téllez
Race-Based Layoff Scheme at Minneapolis Schools: Whites first
José Carlos Rodríguez