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Huckabee Sanders responds to Joe Biden: "The choice is between normal or crazy"

The Arkansas governor says the president is not fit to defend the country, and calls for "a new generation of Republican leadership" to replace him.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders / YT.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders / YT.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a few things to say about President Joe Biden's State of the Union address. Biden opted to move further to the left, promising a new spiral of public spending and taxes and promising to control companies.

Sanders responded by saying:

I'm for freedom, he's for government control. I'm the first woman to lead my state, and he's the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can't even tell you what a woman is.

According to Huckabee Sanders:

In the Radical Left's America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire. But you get crushed with high gas prices, and empty grocery shelves and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race.

Worshipping false idols

She then brought up one of the issues Joe Biden preferred not to mention: the culture war against at least half the country. Sanders said in her response message:

Most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn't start and never wanted to fight. Every day, we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags and worship their false idols, all while big government colludes with Big Tech to strip away the most American thing there is your freedom of speech. That's not normal, it's crazy and it's wrong.

A new generation of Republican leadership

The leftist woke began to get attention during Obama's time in office. One of the goals of Donald Trump's presidency was precisely to fight that ideology. However, with Joe Biden's presidency, wokeism is back in full force.

Whether Joe Biden believes this madness or is simply too weak to resist it, his administration has been completely hijacked by the radical left. The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left; the choice is between normal or crazy. It's time for a new generation of Republican leadership.

Sanders said, "the Biden administration is doubling down on crazy."

The dichotomy between insanity and normalcy is reminiscent of Warren G. Harding's campaign, following Woodrow Wilson's presidency: "Back to normalcy." Sanders said that Joe Biden should be replaced by "a new generation of Republican leadership," leaving Donald Trump's possible return on the back burner.

Unwilling to defend America

According to Governor Sanders, the Democrats' political position alienates them from the majority of people.

Most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn't start and never wanted to fight.

The governor stated at one point in her speech that Joe Biden is not the right man for the presidency. Among other reasons because, in her opinion, he is not defending the country properly:

President Biden is unwilling to defend our border, defend our skies, and defend our people. He is simply unfit to serve as commander-in-chief. While you reap the consequences of their failures, the Biden administration seems more interested in woke fantasies than the hard reality Americans face every day.

One of the last things she mentioned is her confidence in the American people, whom she considers "strong and resilient."

Tonight, let us reaffirm our commitment to a timeless American idea that government exists not to rule the people but to serve the people. Democrats want to rule us with more government control, But that's not who we are. America is the greatest country the world has ever known. Because we're the freest country the world has ever known. We're the people who are strong and resilient.