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Kari Lake meets with the Republican National Senatorial Committee

The politician discussed the differences between running a senator and gubernatorial campaign in the hour long conversation.

Kari Lake / Gage Skidmore (Flickr).

Kari Lake / Gage Skidmore (Flickr).

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Kari Lake may be paving the way for a Senate run in Arizona. Politico found out from two sources familiar with the matter that the Republican held a meeting on Thursday with officials of the National Senatorial Republican Committee (NRSC) about her intention to run for senator.

Caroline Wren, senior policy advisor, confirmed that the meeting had taken place. Wren said that during the hour long conversation, Kari Lake discussed the differences between running a Senate and the gubernatorial campaign, which she lost in the last elections. However, she denied that her intention was to clarify whether or not to run for the Senate: "I don’t think so. I think it was more listening," said her advisor.

Lake, on the other hand, denied any allusion to her possible Senate candidacy and claimed, in a brief interview, that she was there for the National Prayer Breakfast and to visit with members such as Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.).

In addition, Politico pointed out that NRSC members meet with many candidates and potential candidates for office, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they will support them should they ultimately decide to run for the Senate.
