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Doug Burgum is the new GOP primary candidate

The North Dakota governor made his announcement during an event held in Fargo and through a column in the Wall Street Journal.

Doug Burgum.

( Captura de pantalla / Twitter)

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One more candidate joins the Republican Party primaries to run in the 2024 presidential election. It's Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota, a longtime Republican who hopes to win the vote of the GOP's less extreme conservatives.

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), this Wednesday, Burgum filed the necessary documents to run for election in 2024. He made his announcement formally at an event held in the city of Fargo. Before this, he published a column in the Wall Street Journal explaining the reasons why he is running for the 2024 elections.

Burgum focused his speech and his campaign around some strong pillars such as the economy, energy and the well-being of families. In his column published by the WSJ, he directly addressed the American working class and small businesses. "Biden failed to articulate any economic vision for the country, he ignored the anxiety of families grappling with inflation and looked the other way as a recession looms," wrote the GOP's newest nominee.

Burgum has served two terms as governor of North Dakota. He has enough financial resources to run for president on his own. In fact, he bragged about it, assuring that along with donations, he will be able to finance his candidacy.

Burgum is, along with Pence and Hutchinson, one of the calmer GOP candidates. He is less shocking than Donald Trump. Just like North Dakota, Burgum has chosen a "rural" look for his campaign."Woke - waking up - is what you do in North Dakota at five in the morning," Burgum joked in his introductory video.

The governor of North Dakota earned his fortune as CEO of Great Plains Software, a company he sold to Microsoft. He was also involved in the founding of the real estate company Kilbourne Groupe and Arthur Ventures. He is the second governor on the list of the ten candidates who have officially filed their candidacies to run for the GOP.
