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Biden dropping in the polls: Trump leads by 9 points, according to the latest from Rasmussen Reports

The poll also revealed that only 44% approve of Biden's work as president, while 54% disapprove.

Temor entre los principales asesores de Biden: algunos consideran que el presidente no tiene una estrategia “seria” para vencer a Trump


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It has not been a good week for Joe Biden in the polls. At least three have revealed that the Democrat has had a drop in voting intentions ahead of the presidential elections.

The most compelling numbers are those published by Rasmussen Reports, which projected former President Donald Trump to get 49% of votes, compared to 40% for Biden, with 7% saying they would vote for some other candidate and 4% undecided.

In addition, the poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports detailed that the majority of voters disapprove of Joe Biden's work as president. The survey explained that only 44% approve of the current president's work, including 25% who strongly approve. While 54% disapprove of Biden's job performance, including 43% who strongly disapprove.

Similar are the results of the Emerson College and The Hill polls that show that Donald Trump surpassed Biden in six key states: Arizona (47%-43%), Georgia (45%-41%), Michigan (46%-45%), Nevada (46%-43%), Pennsylvania (47%-45%) and Wisconsin (47%-44%).

Among the issues that most concern voters are the economy and immigration. Eighty-seven percent of Americans believe President Joe Biden's policies hurt or had no impact on inflation, the number one priority issue for respondents, according to a Monmouth University survey this week.

This is also reflected in Hispanic support for the Democratic president. It was also recently revealed that in seven key battleground states, Democrats no longer have the advantage among Hispanic voters when it comes to who better handles immigration.

In the survey, 41% of Hispanic voters said they trust Trump more to handle immigration, while 38% said they trust Biden more. Among "non-Hispanic" respondents, 34% said they trust Democrats more and 49% chose Republicans.
