Search Results for : sex change

Vatican says 'sex change' surgery, surrogacy and gender ideology are threats to human dignity

The statement of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith entitled "Dignitas Inifinita" (Infinite Dignity) emphasizes that the Church defends respect for one's own body and others and rejects euthanasia and assisted suicide...


Idaho asks Supreme Court to allow the state to ban sex changes on minors

After a lower court blocked a law that prevented these procedures for children, the state demands that the decision be reversed.


California will finance 'sex change' treatments for illegal migrants

The expansion of the state Medi-Cal program will cover hormone therapy and surgical interventions for undocumented immigrants.


A young woman who underwent 'sex change' treatment sues the American Academy of Pediatrics for prioritizing ideology over children's health

Isabelle Ayala filed a complaint against the institution and several doctors who "deceived" her when she was a minor to undergo 'gender reassignment' treatment for which she suffers permanent consequences.


Eventbrite removes an event against child sex change from its platform, claiming it violated its policy

Palmetto Family, which organizes the activity, maintained that the conversation in which activist Chloe Cole will also participate is ongoing.