Search Results for : pope

Pope Francis says that transsexuals can be baptized and that homosexuals and trans people can be godparents

The pontiff responds to the questions posed by a Brazilian bishop by assuring that "unconditional love of God is capable of generating, even with the sinner, an irrevocable alliance."


A Texas bishop critical of Pope Francis in the Vatican's crosshairs

The Pontiff is considering removing Joseph Strickland from the Tyler diocese for his criticisms and attitudes such as attending protests against the Dodgers' blasphemous act last summer.


Javier Milei's explosive interview with Tucker Carlson: Socialism as a misery, criticism of the pope and advice to Donald Trump

The former Fox News host traveled to Argentina exclusively to speak with the favorite to reach the presidency of the last world champion country in soccer.


Pope Francis on the Catholic Church in the United States: "The situation is not easy, there is a very strong reactionary attitude"

Pope Francis accused certain U.S. groups of being " so closed" that they are isolating themselves and said that "instead of living by doctrine, they live by ideologies."


Pope Francis hosts Bill Clinton and Alexander Soros

The president of Open Society Foundations is accompanying Clinton on a European tour.