Search Results for : migrants

Republican legislators warn Congress of ‘unequivocal threat’ posed by the spike in arrivals of illegal Chinese immigrants

Representative Dan Bishop leads a hearing on the matter and demanded action from the Administration considering that the CCP is behind this phenomenon.


In the midst of the border crisis, 148 Democrats oppose a law to deport illegal immigrants who attack police officers

The legislation, approved by the House of Representatives, was promoted by Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), who highlighted the work of security forces.


Money sent home by immigrants in the United States: A lifeline for the region's dictators

While the economy of totalitarian regimes stabilizes, Joe Biden's administration is focused on softening the foreign policy that former President Donald Trump pushed for the return of democracy in countries such as Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.


Eric Adams suggests hiring immigrants as lifeguards in New York: They are "excellent swimmers"

The mayor of New York has been one of the most vocal critics of the border crisis, criticizing the Biden Administration and calling for additional funds to address the situation.


More than half of the immigrants who entered the country as of 2022 are unemployed

A report from the Center for Immigration Studies found that "8% of the 2.5 million newcomers who are not working say they are actively looking for work." Only 49% were employed at the beginning of this year.