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If Trump wins the election, he will appoint a special counsel to investigate the corruption of the Biden family

The Republican candidate said the president poses a threat to national security because of China's control over him.

Doanld Trump raises a fist.

(Cordon Press)

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Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that, if he is reelected as president, he will appoint a special counsel to investigate both Joe Biden and his family for corruption.

In a video posted on social media, Trump said the nation has a corrupt president who poses a "glaring threat to national security" because of China's control over him.

The former president recalled the report stating that "the crime family" from foreign countries and said that the president was surely being blackmailed for that.

"China has paid him a fortune. Just think of what China has gotten for all that money. Biden shut down my administration's initiative targeting Chinese spies in the United States. He shut it down cold. He let China off the hook for covid. He shut down the investigation into the origins of the China virus. He did nothing as China began setting up bases in Cuba, taking over South America, and threatening Taiwan," he said, saying he would never have allowed all that.

"Joe Biden's greed and criminality is going to get us into World War III," he said, noting that never before has so much corruption been seen in the United States.

"That is why as soon as I am reelected, I will appoint a real special counsel," he said. "Justice will be done. The Biden Crime Family will be looked at," he added.

The former president said that he would first have to win the elections and recalled that they are trying to prevent that from happening. However, he insisted that when he succeeds, he will ensure a fair judicial process that will determine that Joe Biden and his family "are guilty."
