The Trump administration celebrates its first liquefied natural gas project after lifting the suspension imposed by Biden Joaquín Núñez
Communist China's 'Sputnik Moment': Do Not Let Communist China Dominate Nuclear Fusion's Clean Energy Lawrence Kadish
Vermont becomes the first state with a law to force oil companies to pay for climate change Juan Peña
Oil war between the United States and Saudi Arabia? Riyadh seeks to regain control over crude oil prices Joaquín Núñez
Biden administration proposes issuing the lowest number of oil and gas licenses in history Santiago Ospital
A Massachusetts public school has been unable to turn off its lights for a year and a half Israel Duro
State control: German government wants to remotely limit citizens' electricity consumption Verónica Silveri Pazos
Germany unveils its first LNG terminal to reduce energy dependence on Russia Juan Martín Fernández Quintero
Historic U.S. announcement on cold fusion: "Unlimited, cheap, clean energy" Juan Martín Fernández Quintero