
FIFA unveils controversial and simple 2026 World Cup logo
Alejandro Baños

From the EU to Canada: the West barricades itself from TikTok
Rosana Rábago Sainz

Canada wants to allow assisted suicide for children without parental consent
Juan Carlos Téllez

U.S. forces shoot down another "unidentified object" flying over Canada
Juan Carlos Téllez

Canada to pay billions in reparations to indigenous peoples
Verónica Silveri Pazos

Canada: Jordan Peterson responds with legal action to 're-education' demands
Juan Martín Fernández Quintero

Biden, AMLO and Trudeau condemned the assault on Brazilian Congress
Juan Martín Fernández Quintero

Croatia wins convincingly over Canadian team
José Carlos Rodríguez

Trudeau's anti-racism program fails after funding anti-Semitic organization
Verónica Silveri Pazos