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Washington Post editorial board fantasizes about Joe Biden's retirement by publishing fictional retirement speech

The publication comes at a time when the Democratic president is under intense pressure to step aside.

The WaPo editorial, titled 'What if Biden were to utter these words,' is gaining traction on social mediaAFP

In a surprising plea, the editorial board of The Washington Post published an offbeat fictional Fourth of July retirement speech by President Joe Biden.

In the editorial, the media outlet's board published a brief but powerful speech where Biden hypothetically decides to withdraw from the presidential race claiming that he no longer has enough energy to stay in office and take on Donald Trump in this election campaign.

"Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on all this. My season of service is nearing its close. This was a hard truth to face. But it is the natural course of things — as evident as the progression from spring to summer, from fall to winter. This is why I have decided to withdraw from the campaign for president of the United States." reads the board-written speech, where a fictional Biden quotes George Washington, who had no problem handing over power to his vice president John Adams at the end of his second term.

"This moment echoes one George Washington faced as he approached the end of his second term. Fear of instability and of the unknown, of who would come next, counseled against risking a premature departure. John Adams was pugnacious. Thomas Jefferson was radical. But Washington stood aside, though the Constitution at the time did not require it," wrote the WaPo board. "He looked past ambition and self-regard to what the nation needed most at that moment, declaring through his actions that the United States would not depend on one indispensable man. Power would be transferred regularly and peacefully."

The WaPo's fictional speech is released at a time when Biden is being pressured incessantly to step aside. Democratic congressmen, billionaire donors and dozens of media outlets are calling for his official withdrawal after his performance at the presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia.

Finally, in this hypothetical retirement speech, the WaPo editorial board even had the courage to map out a route forward for the Democratic Party: an open convention where state delegates choose Biden's potential replacement, who could be, for example, Vice President Kamala Harris herself.

"The Democratic National Committee, senior Democratic leaders and I have agreed on an orderly process to select our next nominee, which will include debates between now and our convention in August. My vice president, Kamala Harris, has graciously and courageously agreed to participate. Though Democratic primary voters cannot be included at this late date, their delegates will make the final choice," declared the media board, which is being widely quoted on social media.
