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Fox wants to silence Tucker Carlson until after the election, says his lawyer

"What you are seeing on Fox today is a censored version of the news. Keep that in mind as you make your viewing and your commenting choices," stated Harmeet Dhillon.

Tucker Carlson

(Wikimedia Commons)

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Fox News sent a letter to Tucker Carlson demanding that he not post his show on Twitter. According to an attorney for the political commentator, the network wants to keep him quiet, at least until after the presidential election. However, she stated that she would not allow the news channel to censor him.

According to a report from Axios, Fox sent a “cease-and-desist” text alleging that Carlson breached his contract by sharing his new program via Elon Musk’s social network. According to the report, the letter indicated at the top in capital letters that it should not be published.

Harmeet Dhillon, a lawyer for the broadcaster, explained that what the channel is attempting to do is to keep Carlson silent until after the 2024 elections. However, she assured that she will not allow Fox or the extreme left to censure her friend and client.

“Doubling down on the most catastrophic programming decision in the history of the cable news industry, Fox is now demanding that Tucker Carlson be silent until after the 2024 election,” she said.

Dhillon also took to Twitter to highlight the importance of free speech and the free flow of information in a free society, adding that it should be kept in mind before choosing Fox as your news source.

“Until Fox stops trying to silence Tucker, it’s not a place for me. And I feel for my friends working at the network which has clearly caved into pressure from some quarter to silence Tucker Carlson. What you are seeing on Fox today is a censored version of the news. Keep that in mind as you make your viewing and your commenting choices,” she wrote.

“Tucker on Twitter” surpassed 100 million views

After Tucker Carlson posted his first show on Twitter, the news network threatened to sue the broadcaster for breach of contract. However, Carlson disregarded it and posted a second video of “Tucker on Twitter.”

The episodes seem to have been a success, as within a matter of days, both videos managed to capture the attention of millions of people. The first episode has already surpassed 100 million views and the second one has more than 10 million reproductions.
