Search Results for : desantis disney

DeSantis v. Disney: Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Board chairman resigns

Florida's governor appointed Martin Garcia to control the former Walt Disney World district a year ago.


Florida judge rules in favor of DeSantis: the lawsuit in which Disney claimed its autonomy was dismissed

The accusation filed by the entertainment giant maintained that the loss of control over the resort was the result of alleged retaliation.


DeSantis advises Disney to drop lawsuit against him, tells Bob Iger he's "going to lose"

Florida's governor said it was time for the entertainment giant to accept that it will no longer have special privileges.


DeSantis-appointed district overseeing Disney World eliminates diversity and equity programs

"The so-called inclusion initiatives were advanced during the tenure of the previous board and they were illegal and simply unamerican."


Walt Disney Company to move forward with retaliation lawsuit against Ron DeSantis

The Florida governor filed a motion in June to dismiss the complaint that the mouse company filed against him. Bob Iger rejected it.