Search Results for : immigrants

Biden gave $41 million to Soros-linked NGO that helps illegal immigrants avoid deportation

The Biden Administration gives $41 million to an NGO with ties to George Soros whose purpose is to prevent the deportation of illegal immigrants.


Texas explodes: No room in morgues for the unceasing flow of deceased immigrants

The coroner of Laredo denounces not having "not a single space" for corpses and denounces that these deaths "could have been avoided".


41% of Hispanics believe it is appropriate to move illegal immigrants to 'sanctuary cities'

The survey was conducted against the backdrop of one of the nation's largest immigration crises: nearly 2.5 million illegal aliens were detained in the current fiscal year.


Nearly 2.5 million immigrants apprehended at the border so far this fiscal year

Most of the meetings were led by those fleeing dictatorships in Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

Politics Society

Texas sends 50 more immigrants to Kamala Harris' home

Greg Abbott continued to send busloads of illegals to sanctuary cities and home to the vice president, who assured that the southern border "is secure."