Search Results for : pope

Pope Francis calls for banning surrogacy: "It is a despicable practice"

The pope said surrogacy exploits the financial circumstances of surrogate mothers and places the child at the center of a commercial contract.


Pope Francis allows blessing for homosexual and civil couples as long as it is not confused with marriage

The Supreme Pontiff explained that these forms of blessing "express a supplication to God."


Pope Francis continues to sanction critics: Cardinal Burke penalized for questioning his decisions

He is the second prelate to be penalized in less than a month for making public his disagreements with the Supreme Pontiff.


Jewish organizations ask Pope Francis to rectify his comments against Israel

"This is not war. This is terrorism," the pope said after meeting with relatives of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and with families of Palestinians in Gaza.


Pope Francis relieves Bishop Joseph Strickland from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas

The Texan bishop is one of the most critical voices of the pope within the Church.