real estate market

These are the cheapest states to buy a house
Verónica Silveri Pazos

These are the cities where it is more profitable to rent than to buy a home
Verónica Silveri Pazos

Goldman Sachs warns of four cities where home prices will fall at 2008 levels
Verónica Silveri Pazos

"Unusual housing market" closes with 2022 mortgage holders in the negative
Verónica Silveri Pazos

Home sales drop for the ninth consecutive month
Verónica Silveri Pazos

Housing: age of first time homeowners is the highest in history
Rosana Rábago Sainz

New home sales fall 11% in only one month
Verónica Silveri Pazos

Housing market collapse warning: prices could fall by 20%.
Juan Carlos Téllez