Democrats are panicking. Could Biden or a third party cost them the 2024 election?
A third party could emerge, especially considering Biden's recent impeachment inquiry, his son Hunter's indictment and the overall concern for his age and health.

Cordon Press / Cordon Press
Democratic Party leaders are concerned about Joe Biden's possible performance as a candidate in the 2024 presidential election. It seems that everything is working against him. Recently, there have been accusations of corruption leading Republicans to open an impeachment inquiry. His son Hunter was recently indictment. The polls are down and voters are concerned about his age and health -especially after the last public memory lapsus. Now, there is concern that the woke and far-left measures that his administration is implementing will cost him votes by making moderate voters lean toward a third party party like No Labels. However, these voters could also fall into the arms of Cornelius West.
Most Democratic voters are clear: anyone but Biden, according to CNN
Given the tight demoscopic projections for the general election, more and more people expect the president to step aside and make room for other candidates. In fact, even before his recent memory lapses, the announcement that the House of Representatives was opening an impeachment inquiry against him and Hunter's indictment, a large number of Democrats started to show interest in voting for a different candidate in 2024.
Just this week, the latest polls showed that Biden ought to consider sitting out. For example, on September 13, a Messenger/Harris poll revealed that 64% of voters believe he should not seek a second term. These numbers are very similar to those provided by CNN at the beginning of the month, according to which, 67% of Democratic supporters prefer another candidate. Of this percentage, 82% would rather Biden sit out completely.
Biden "doesn't have the mental soundness needed for the job he holds"
Age and state of health (including mental) are important qualities to consider when voting for president of the United States. The president's latest and repeated lapses are of great concern to voters. Most believe he is not fit to take the reins of the world's leading power. A Fox poll released Thursday shows that 61% of Americans believe Biden "doesn't have the mental soundness necessary for the job he holds." According to Quinnipiac's work, 68% of respondents say the president is " too old" to face another four years in office. According to CNN's poll, 74% of those who participated believe that Biden does not have "the stamina and sharpness to serve effectively as president." Polls by the AP (77%) and The Wall Street Journal (73%) also overwhelmingly reveal that people believe the president is too old to run for reelection.
Voters believe Joe is involved in Hunter's business dealings
Polls also indicate that the majority of Americans believe Biden is involved in his son Hunter's shady business dealings. According to the Quinnipiac poll, 50% of Americans believe that the president was involved in his son's business when he was Obama's vice president. According to Rassmussen Reports, 58% of respondents believe Biden was involved in his son's business dealings.
West and Manchin
At the same time, fear is growing that a third party, whether moderate like No Labels – which has already tested Senator Joe Manchin as a candidate – or radical like West's Green Party, will tip the votes in favor of Republicans. It's not far-fetched, according to the latest polls. In August, a Wall Street Journal poll indicated that, in a direct confrontation between the two leading candidates, Donald Trump and Biden would tie with 46% of the votes. However, if independent candidates are added, the former president would prevail by one point (40-39), with West getting 2% and Lars Mapstead (Libertarian) getting 1%.
Also last month, Emerson College pointed out that Trump was ahead in voting intention compared to the current president. In this case, the poll suggested that West's Green Party would get up to 5% of the vote. Although, according to the participants in this survey, the Republican candidate would beat Biden (46-44). There could be even more of an advantage if the radical candidate (44-39) is taken into account.
Polls show that Biden will lose to Trump and other Republican candidates
At the beginning of September, CNN published a poll that revealed that most voters were convinced that, if the 2020 elections repeat themselves in 2024, Trump will win (47-46), with 5% choosing a third option. According to this poll, 62% of Republicans will vote for Trump. However, 64% of Democrats would vote for Biden just to prevent Trump from being elected to the White House.
As if that were not enough, the CNN poll shows that Biden will lose to Nikky Haley (49-43), Mike Pence (46-44), Tim Scott (46-44) and Chris Christie (44-42). Biden would tie (47-47) with Ron DeSantis and beat Vivek Ramaswamy (45-44).