Polls: Biden is hemorrhaging the Hispanic vote
According to a recent poll, the Democrat has lost up to 17 percentage points in this demographic compared to 2020.

(Cordon Press)
President Joe Biden is experiencing a strong exodus of support from Hispanics, which will prove more decisive than ever in the upcoming 2024 elections.
According to a recent Fox News poll, Hispanics have become disenchanted with the Democrat's management of the economy, mainly because of the "overflowing" inflation rate plaguing the United States.
The figures are serious: according to the study, Biden lost up to 17 percentage points among Hispanics compared to 2020, a deficit that could hinder the Democrat's competitiveness in swing states.
The survey shows that for the 2024 presidential elections, only 46% of Hispanics would vote for Biden, contrasting with the 63% who chose him in 2020.
Beyond the exit of Hispanic support that Joe Biden and the Democrats are suffering, the Republican Party has also not managed to capitalize on the Hispanic vote entirely, which could tip the balance in their favor for next year.
According to the poll, former President Trump would receive 37% of the Hispanic vote in 2024 compared to 35% who gave him their vote in 2020. The increase is a mere two percentage points.
This number is related to a study published in June by Axios, which showed that 32% of registered Latino voters surveyed had a favorable opinion of Trump, and only 44% of registered Latino voters had a favorable view of Biden.
Even so, the most striking figure from the study is that 32% of respondents said neither Democrats nor Republicans care about Hispanics, a growing figure considering that the figure was 28% in October 2022 and 25% reported a year ago, Axios reported.
The number of undecided Hispanic votes for next year opens up an exciting possibility for both parties, especially for the Republican Party, which could increase its support among the fastest-growing demographic group in the United States, according to the latest national census.
"Hispanics are becoming swing voters"
Political analyst Alfonso Aguilar, president of the conservative group Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, spoke with Voz Media and explained that a fascinating "integration" phenomenon is occurring with Hispanics leading them to become "swing voters."
"These data show several things, among them, that Joe Biden is vulnerable, because he needs a good performance among Hispanics to be able to win swing states like Wisconsin or Georgia where the Hispanic vote reaches 6-7%," Aguilar told Voz Media.
The Hispanic analyst, head of the USCIS Office of Citizenship between 2003 and 2009, also commented that the more Hispanics integrate into American society, the more they vote like the typical American.
"Hispanics are no longer believing the narrative that Democrats are good and Republicans are bad. Now Hispanics look at everyday problems, like inflation, and say, 'Hey, this isn't right; let me look for an alternative.' Which is similar to what independents do," said Aguilar, who also commented that Trump, despite not having great growth for now among Hispanics, has secured a significant base going forward.
"We have to remember that, before Trump, no Republican candidate reached the same numbers among Hispanics as the former president. This 37% base is a good number and a great opportunity for the GOP to build and eventually conquer the Hispanic vote, something that would be very hard for the Democrats," Aguilar said.