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The price of being free during the election period: YouTube closes a VOZ channel

Coinciding with the foreseeable intensification of the battle for the presidency with the rise of Kamala Harris, the platform censors a channel aimed unbiasedly at Hispanic audiences, key for the upcoming elections.

Montaje con capturas de pantalla del canal principal de Voz en Youtube y la página censurada.

VOZ Youtube channel.YouTube screenshot.

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With Democratic aspirations to defeat Donald Trump reignited after the arrival of Kamala Harris and the abandonment of Joe Biden, one of the left's favorite weapons also seems to have been reactivated: censorship of free media. YouTube yesterday shut down a VOZ channel on which short videos in English and statements by politicians were uploaded under the accusation of "disinformation," but without giving explanations or pointing out which publication or publications had breached the platform's rules. VOZ's appeal against this arbitrary and unfair measure was rejected as soon as they received it.

VOZ has always been characterized for being a media that analyzes political and social news with a clear focus on Hispanics. From the defense of conservative and national values, it has always given a voice to all parties and has approached the touchiest of subjects with objectivity and criterion, separating opinion from the narration of facts.

It seems no coincidence that just on the eve of a further escalation of the electoral battle with the arrival of Harris, and with the fundamental Latino vote more at stake than ever, the media that try to inform Hispanic voters are more exposed than ever to the designs of social platforms whose ploys with the establishment, especially the Left and the Biden Administration, to censor and silence dissenting voices are notorious.

This is not the first time that VOZ has been the victim of censorship on a social platform. Our account on Instagram, with more than 12,000 followers, was closed in a similar way. Although requests for an appeal had it reopened once, finally, and without explanations, it was censored for good. 

For the time being, and as long as they let us, you can follow our content on the VOZ channel in Spanish by clicking here.
